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Mallowloid is a character straight from lands of imagination. Mallowloid is, at first, just like every other marshmallow. In fact, he isn't the first marshmallow to sing, nor is he is the first one to receive a voicebank.

Once upon a time, Mallow was living a normal day in Mallowland when suddenly, Imagination appeared. Mallow asked Imagination to make him different. Imagination cast the spell "Desperation for Originality," and lo and behold, Mallowloid's now able to sing - with a special power!

Mallowloid's voice varies depending on state. His core state, Raw, is a raw marshmallow. Roast him and you will get the Roasted state, him screaming all the pain out of his sugar-coated heart. Those are the only two states with a voicebank each for now, however other official states can be achieved with flags! Heating him lightly and adding chocolate on top of him while serving him beside hot cocoa, for example, gives him the Fluffy Sweet state, which is breathy. (State manual and state illustrations included with voicebank)

Mallowloid's design is a simple marshmallow. His illustrations were drawn in a style very easy to replicate. Users of the voicebank are free to use his illustration and design in any way not explicitly banned in the Terms of Usage.

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